Advertise on Atomik Pop!

Do you have a product or service that would benefit our readers? This could be as specific as a new graphic novel or as general as a business that helps fans with their collection. We have three options of ways we can help you build your brand and get your products out in front of thousands of Atomik Pop! Readers.

Banner Ad

Price: $25 per month

Banner ads include an image posted prominently in our home pace header and linked directly to your site. We will also include a write-up and link in our weekly e-mail newsletter.

Sidebar Ad

Price: $25 per month

Sidebar ads include an image posted prominently on our home page and linked directly to your site. We will also include a write-up and link in our weekly e-mail newsletter.

Sponsored Posts

Price: $25 

Sponsored posts include images and text, and can be brief introductions or very in-depth. It’s a great way to get your product or service in front of our thousands of readers. Your post will be featured on our home page for a minimum of one month. We will also include a write-up and link in our weekly e-mail newsletter and a link on our Facebook page.

For more details on how you can advertise on Atomik Pop! please contact us on Twitter, Facebook or by using the contact form below.


Atomik Pop!


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